Relaunch of a shopping centre

The problem

A shopping centre of the third European real estate developer, in a Castilian city, had not fully functioned. It seemed doomed to closure, due to lack of visitors, shortly after its opening.

The clean and rectilinear architecture of the building, with kinaesthetic sensations of cold and death, connected customers with the traumatic experience of dehumanization. It was important the context, citizens having passed in their generation from being large families in a rural environment to being families with only one child, in an environment urban.

The solution

The motivational analysis of the consumers in that city, and the audit with opinion leaders allowed to find the restriction factor of the commercial surface. From there, we designed an action plan that changed the trend of the visitors and recovered the normal activity.

Placing a children’s playground in the heart of the centre to maximize the visual connection of the family (even if they were separated in different activities) was key to the integration of the centre in the city’s leisure and commerce.