Frustration and
conflict management

In the context of an increasingly integrated world economy, diversity and inclusion are core values ​​for a competitive and successful strategy.

Organizations and societies are increasingly global and teams are more varied. Cultural and value differences challenge understanding and goal achievement. Inclusion and collaboration appear as the only solution. However, the problems between people are the same as always. The mind is dual, above, below; in out; cold hot. From his duality it believes that reality is made up of an infinite potential of opposites. And before two options, the untrained mind will show a preference that it will identify as its own. Then, the rejection of the opposite will appear that of the other, and there the conflict arises, in the mind.

Tarazaga accompanies organizations in the challenge of integrating diversity and overcoming conflict. We help to generate new scenarios of trust and collaboration, for the people who work in them, their clients, shareholders and the rest of the people with whom they relate, by going to the basic cause of the problem to transcend the conflict with ©Motivation Management. The discovery of the human (behavioural) or organizational (work conditions) factors that are in the collective unconscious makes it possible to analyse the impact that the conflict is having on people’s behaviour. From there, the change plan and the training of new skills are developed so allowing the increased satisfaction in the workplace and the professional efficiency of managers and employees, growing their potential and optimizing the work environment.

Jean Shinoda Bolen

PhD. in medicine, psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, writer and international speaker. Author, among other titles, of “The millionth circle”.

“When a significant number of people change their way of thinking and behaving, culture does it too, and a new era begins.”

Needs of the organization

  • Transformation of the negative work environment.
  • Reduction of absenteeism and stress.
  • Discovery of the human (behavioural) or organizational factors (conditions) that are at the bottom of the situation.
  • Analysis of the impact that the specific situation is having on people’s behaviour.
  • Increase job satisfaction and professional efficiency of managers and employees, intensifying their potential and optimizing the work environment.


  • Previous analysis of the situation.
  • Site visits to facilities.
  • One-to-one situation interviews with managers and unions.
  • Investigation of ©motivational dynamics with managers and employees.
  • Preparation of the mediation program and change plan.