Talking about people management is talking about expectations, beliefs, belonging to something that transcends us as individuals, shared values and motivation.
It is talking about the sense that, for each human being, being part of something to which you bring the best of you. Something that drives you to get up every morning, inspires you and sustains you when things don’t go as well as you hoped.
Properly managing the motivation of the collaborators makes the difference in the team’s performance and the development of its maximum potential. Getting the best out of the people in our care is one of the top roles today in management positions.
The achievement of results in companies is a consequence of the situation, the skills and the efforts of the people, but above all of their intrinsic motivation: their level of consciousness and achievement orientation. Knowing how this attitude manifests and can be developed in our organization is the key to achieving job satisfaction, which translates into effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and positive EBITDA. ©Motivation Management makes it possible to know how to align corporate policies and actions with the behaviour of people in the organization.