“I am on the Board of a company dedicated to the development of materials for the automotive and aeronautical industry, and what we used to do in four months, we do in a week,” says John Hassard, director of the Institute for Security, Science and Technology at Imperial College London, who will participate in the AI ​​International Basque Forum that will be held on September 24 and 25 in Bilbao.


In an interview he gave to the newspaper El Correo, Hassard states that, “in computational fluid dynamics, thanks to machine learning, we have managed to multiply the speed at which we work by 20 or 30. What used to take a week, now takes a few hours.”

For this expert in Artificial Intelligence, in some cases AI is already as good as us, and even better. “A few weeks ago, I had to prepare an exam and I asked two AI models to give me the answers. One of them was very bad, but the other one was better than any student at Imperial College.”

John Hassard admits that he thought “that with AI, 90% of lawyers would be fired. What has happened is that those who use AI are twice as efficient and 20% more competitive.”

For this expert, Europe must get its act together. “We must have our own OpenAI or Google. There is no alternative if we want a future. We already have the talent; we lack the capital that the Americans and Chinese get.”
